Tomato and Kangkong Salsa

Okay, so this is a late follow-up post, but better late than never, right?
Last time I said I would post the perfect side dish to fried bangus fillets--aside from salted eggs with tomatoes. Admittedly, this recipe is not entirely original and is inspired by a side dish that comes with a bangus belly dish they serve at Cafe Adriatico. It's been a long time since I ate there last, and I don't remember if this is a faithful recreation, but I tried it a couple of weeks back, and it seems to work just fine.
Start off by washing a bunch of kangkong really well in a basin of water. Use a pair of kitchen scissors to cut off the larger, tougher stems and cut the rest of the leaves and small stems into bite-sized pieces. Set aside. Grab a couple of large tomatoes (the largest you can find) and slice and seed them. Cut into small cubes.
Saute some minced garlic in a pan with some oil then add the tomatoes. Season with pepper and allow to simmer. When the consistency of the tomatoes becomes a bit soupy, add some bagoong (you get to determine how much). Check the flavor and season as needed. Add the kangkong and cook until the leaves wilt and become a bright green color. Serve immediately.