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Physician by profession, artist by vocation.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Garlic For Breakfast?

And why not? Granted that there are some of you who absolutely do not like garlic for varying reasons, there are also those who absolutely adore garlic, breath freshener be damned. And for those who belong to the latter group, this one's for you.

Lots of people eat toast with butter or jelly for breakfast--and these are loaded with sugar or unhealthy fat. One alternative for you garlic lovers is to make your own garlic spread. Yes, you read right. Spread. Trust me, it's delicious.

To prepare, get desired number of cloves of garlic (a couple should be enough for a piece of toast--multiply by how many slices you're preparing) and do not peel. Simply drop in boiling water with a little salt and allow to boil for about 15 minutes. Rinse with cold water to stop the cooking and peel--the skin will come off really easily. This should leave you with transluscent-looking garlic cloves which are extremely soft to the touch and will turn to mush when squished.

Place the garlic cloves in a shallow bowl, drizzle with a little extra virgin olive oil and season with salt and pepper. To serve, just place a couple of cloves on a piece of toast or a slice of baguette (that's French bread to you), spread like jelly (yup, it's now spreadable!) and eat.

You can serve this as an appetizer or a snack, mix it with pasta, or eat as a side dish--whatever floats your boat. The only limit is your imagination. You (garlic lovers) will love it.


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